Sunday, March 6, 2011

GPS Tracker Lite version 1.0

GPS Tracker Lite version 1.0 for Windows Phone 7, the free version of the future GPS Tracker application finally passed the application certification process and is now available on the Marketplace. Marketplace link (Zune must be installed)

GPS Tracker Lite is an application that tracks your route while you move (walk, run, drive) and shows two main things: statistics of the route, and a map of the route being followed. It supports three measurement unit systems: international (meters, km/h, etc.), imperial (yards, feet, mph, etc) and nautic (knots, nm, etc.).

The available statistics are total distance, total time, time in motion, time paused (time in motion and time paused is based on whether the user pauses/restarts it), average speed, current altitude, max and min altitude, and current latitude and longitude.

Once stopped, it will let you send the full route as a kml file using your email account. Due to limitations for third-party application developers for Windows Phone 7, the file cannot be sent as an attachement and is instead sent as the actual body of the message (which is in turn limited to 32 KB approximately).

In order to keep the UI design as simple as possible, the route screen does not include icons or labels to help distinguish what each figure actually represents. The reasoning behind such decision is the fact that there is little space for confusion and using the application for some minutes will make each of them clear enough, and once you know what they represent icons or description labels are never needed again.

  • 4.40km represents the total distance moved since route tracking started.
  • The bigger 00:05'41'' represents the total time accumulated since route tracking started. It includes both time in motion and time paused and for the screenshot it means 0 hours, 5 minutes and 41 seconds.
  • The small 00:05'41'' with a play icon on its right represents the total time in motion since route tracking started. Time in motion or paused is tracked based on when the user pauses/continues the route.
  • The small 00:00'00'' with a pause icon on its right represents the total time paused since route tracking started. Time in motion or paused is tracked based on when the user pauses/continues the route, and in the screenshot you can see there has been no pause at all.
  • 46.39km/h represents the average speed since route tracking started and does not take paused time into account.
  • The bigger 300m represents the last altitude provided by the GPS.
  • The small 300m represents the lowest altitude provided by the GPS since since route tracking started and while the route was not paused.
  • 600m represents the highest altitude provided by the GPS since route tracking started and while the route was not paused.
  • 25º20'35''S represents the last latitude provided by the GPS.
  • 131º01'30''E represents the last longitude provided by the GPS.

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